Executive Summit 2022 with Nreal AR smart glasses
The value of innovation is determined by how much it can improve our lives and businesses, enable us to accomplish more, and get around obstacles. This is why news like this makes us grin: there is an AR software, widely accessible now, that allows for the display of subtitles for real-life scenarios and conversations. We will be able to use subtitles when traveling abroad and speaking to people in nine different languages.
XRAI Glass was designed to help enhance how people with special hearing needs connect with each other. The idea was formed when CEO and founder, Dan Scarfe noticed how much his 97-year-old grandfather struggled to hear conversations at the Christmas table.
Could there possibly be a cuter justification and setting for the innovation?
The application responding to diversity and accessibility values that we all put into practice now will be available on the nreal AR glasses, the same ones we employ in projects for our clients when providing them with immersive training experiences.
We took them with us to the CEO Innovation Executive Summit 2022 few weeks ago, and it was amazing to see people trying them on and going back to the excitement of their childhood. They really can bring the feeling of doing something for the first time, something that was previously impossible. A small example of it is on the picture below.
The innovation cycle never ends – innovation comes from innovation. The technology underpinning augmented reality (AR) glasses is ground-breaking, and the designs and commercial successes that businesses are experiencing with them are one of a kind. And so we are, in how we address business difficulties and design solutions that are each time different, unique and constantly tailored specifically for businesses and needs. This strategy has allowed us to join a select club of twenty Innovative Leaders, setting trends of the future business.
The CEO Innovation Executive Summit 2022 was held in the building of the Warsaw Stock Exchange which reflected the range of personalities we were there with, like Rafal Brzoska, CEO and founder of InPost, David Shing, a digital futurist, and Nick Sohnemann from Future Candy innovation agency.
When we see our turquoise letter ‘A’ from Aidar logo alongside globally renowned successful brands, we feel happy and motivated.
And then we look at this ‘A’ again, filled with the pride, and… it’s not an ‘A’ anymore. It turns into a true-blue arrow, an awesome rocket that we once launched into “deep space,” and it keeps accelerating in the right direction.